Hi folks ,
this is a work under construction. Any suggestions will be most welcome.
Among the reeds,
munching the weeds,
Freddy the frog sat
singing his love song
Ribbid ! Ribbid! Ribbid!
Freddy was a frog
with blue blood in his veins,
His great great uncle Ness.
had kissed a true Princess.
“When the sun meets the rain,
then under a rainbow
The magic takes place”,
Freddy was told
by his grandma Grace!
“Here I am and
there the rainbow,
but where
oh! where is
the princess mine!”
He looked skywards
for a heavenly sign.
Jogging along she came,
on the winding path ahead,
in a red track suit and
a red band round her head
Panting hard, with
a hand on her heart
she slumped against a tree.
Freddy quivered
like a young tadpole!
His indomitable heart
joyously sang,
she the one! This is she!
Ribbid ! Ribbid! Ribbid!
Freddy hopped closer,
and uttered a respectful
Ribbid! Ribbid ! Ribbid!
She stifled a scream
then bent to look at him
The sun, the rain and rainbow,
in fact,
the whole dang universe
seemed to conspire
to assist.
So Freddy leaped
like a lightening
And smacked
one ardent kiss on her lips.
Oh ! she said !
Ooooo!! she cooed
with love light in her eyes,
and tenderly whispered
in his eager ear
“Ribbid! Ribbid! Ribbid!”